Community & Family Services administers the HCV program in Adams, Blackford, Huntington, Randolph, Wabash, and Wells counties.
How To Apply:
The Housing Choice Voucher program currently has a waiting list. Selection from the waiting list is based on the date of application and the preferences a family claims at the time of applying. At the time of their selection, applicants are required to submit the following information:
Household assets/income;
Copies of birth certificate and SSN for each member of the household listed on the application;
Verification of preferences; and
Any other information requested by the housing staff to determine eligibility for the program.
Availability of assistance depends on the number of vouchers CFS is provided by the state and has available to issue to qualified applicants. Due to the high number of applications received, a family may have to wait a year or longer before assistance becomes available. Depending on the number of applicants waiting for assistance, the list can be closed to new applicants until further notice.
Vouchers are issued to qualified families based on income guidelines and passing a criminal history check. It is up to the family to locate housing that meets program requirements. Property owners are under no obligation to rent to a family holding a voucher. Payment is made directly to the owner of the unit on behalf of the family once a unit has been approved by the Area IV staff for occupancy. Families are responsible for paying their portion of the rent to the owner according to the terms of the owner’s lease agreement and Housing Assistance Payment Contract.
Participant families are re-certified once a year to determine their ongoing eligibility for the program. HCVP does not guarantee a family a place to live. Families violating their obligation to abide by program guidelines can lose their assistance and be ineligible to participate in the program for at least five (5) years from termination.
Connect to a HCV Representative: